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Active-dendrite Motoneuron Models 


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Journal Papers

OLIVEIRA M. C., WATANABE R. N. and KOHN A. F. (2022) Electrophysiological and functional signs of Guillain–Barré syndrome predicted by a multiscale neuromuscular computational model, Journal of Neural Engineering, 27 September 2022, J. Neural Eng. 19 056022 DOI 10.1088/1741-2552/ac91f8.
ELIAS L. A., MATOSO D. E. da C.,WATANABE R. N. and KOHN A. F. (2018) Perspectives on the modeling of the neuromusculoskeletal system to investigate the influence of neurodegenerative diseases on sensorimotor control, Research on Biomedical Engineering - Apr-Jun 2018, Res. Biomed. Eng. 34 (02).
WATANABE R. N. and KOHN A. F. (2015) Fast Oscillatory Commands from the Motor Cortex Can Be Decoded by the Spinal Cord for Force Control, The Journal of Neuroscience - 7 October 2015, 35(40): 13687-13697; doi: 10.1523/J.NEUROSCI.1950-15.2015 .
ELIAS L. A., WATANABE R. N. and KOHN A. F. (2014) Spinal Mechanisms May Provide a Combination of Intermittent and Continuous Control of Human Posture: Predictions from a Biologically Based Neuromusculoskeletal Model, PLoS Computational Biology - Volume 10, Issue 11, page e1003944.
WATANABE R. N., MAGALHÃES F. H., ELIAS L. A., CHAUD V. M., MELLO E. M., and KOHN A. F. (2013) Influences of pre-motoneuronal command statistics on the scaling of motor output variability during isometric plantarflexion. Journal of Neurophysiology, 110(11): 2592-2606. |Supplemental Material|
  ELIAS L. A. and KOHN A. F. (2013) Web-based neuromuscular simulator applied to the teaching of principles of neuroscience. Brazilian Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 27(3): 1-14. 
ELIAS L. A. and KOHN A. F. (2013) Individual and collective properties of computationally efficient motoneuron models of types S and F with active dendrites. Neurocomputing, 99: 521-533.
ELIAS L. A., CHAUD V. M., and KOHN A. F. (2012) Models of passive and active dendrite motoneuron pools and their differences in muscle force control. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 33(3): 515-531.
CISI R. R. L. and KOHN A. F. (2008) Simulation system of spinal cord motor nuclei and associated nerves and muscles, in a Web-based architecture. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 25(3): 520-542.

Conference Proceedings

  WATANABE R. N. and KOHN A. F. (2014) System identification of a motor unit pool using a realistic neuromusculoskeletal model. - Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics In: 5th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  WATANABE R. N., ELIAS L. A., and KOHN A. F. (2013) Low-frequency fluctuations of plantar flexion torque in force and position control task studied experimentally and by a neuromusculoskeletal model. In: 6th IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, San Diego.
pdf  WATANABE R. N., ELIAS L. A., and KOHN A. F. (2013) Influences of Ia feedback on low-frequency fluctuations of plantar flexion torque. In: 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.
pdf  ELIAS L. A., WATANABE R. N., and KOHN A. F. (2013) Large-scale neuromusculoskeletal model used to investigate neurophysiological mechanisms behind upright stance control. In: 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego. 
  ELIAS L. A. and KOHN A. F. (2013) Short- and medium-latency stretch reflexes studied by means of a biologically based neuromuscular model. In: XXIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Natal, p. 101. 
  ELIAS L. A., CHAUD V. M., WATANABE R. N., and KOHN A. F. (2012) A web-based neuromuscular simulator applied to the teaching of the basics of neuroscience. In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Sociey for Neuroscience, Hartford. New Orleans. 
  ELIAS L. A., CHAUD V. M., MAGALHÃES F. H., MEZZARANE R. A., and KOHN A. F. (2012) H and T reflexes evaluated by a biologically-realistic neuromuscular model . In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Sociey for Neuroscience, New Orleans. 
  WATANABE R. N., MAGALHÃES F. H., CHAUD V. M., ELIAS L. A., and KOHN A. F. (2012) H and T reflexes evaluated by a biologically-realistic neuromuscular model . In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Sociey for Neuroscience, New Orleans.  
  CHAUD V. M., ELIAS L. A., WATANABE R. N., and KOHN A. F. (2012) A simulation study of the effects of activation-dependent muscle stiffness on proprioceptive feedback activity and short-latency reflex. In: 4th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Rome, pp. 133-138.
ELIAS L. A., CHAUD V. M., WATANABE R. N., and KOHN A. F. (2011) Application of a web-based simulator to a study of neuromuscular training in humans. In: BMES Annual Meeting, Hartford.
ELIAS L. A. and KOHN A. F. (2010) Single neuron and network models in force control. In: 9th Neural Coding Workshop, Limassol, pp. 31-32.
KOHN A. F. (2009) Force fluctuations in a simulated motoneuron pool. In: IFMBE World Congress, Munich, pp. 197-200.
CISI R. R. L. and KOHN A. F. (2008) From neuronal ionic channels to muscle control: a Web-based simulator and its application to teaching. In: World Congress of Engineering, London, pp. 1-4.
CISI R. R. L. and KOHN A. F. (2007) H-reflex depression simulated by a biologically realistic motoneuron network. In: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon.

Book Chapters

  MEZZARANE R. A., ELIAS L. A., MAGALHÃES F. H., CHAUD V. M., and KOHN A. F. (2013) Experimental and simulated EMG responses in the study of the human spinal cord. In: Electrodiagnosis in new frontiers of clinical research, edited by Turker, H. Rijeka: InTech, p. 57-87.