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ReMoto standalone version (2024)



ReMoto improved and expanded version.
Posted by ReMoto Team in June 26, 2024.

ReMoto expanded and improved, Fortran version

A new and updated version of ReMoto, now in Fortran, is available for download. The new version includes some minor improvements (e.g., now a more uniform distribution of motor units in a skeletal muscle transverse section was attained in comparison with the original version). This version can be found at https://github.com/rnwatanabe/projectFR

The Fortran program was more recently adapted to simulate demyelinating diseases with a focus on studies of force and position tasks exerted by one foot on a pedal (MC de Oliveira, RN Watanabe, AF Kohn, 2022; Journal of Neural Engineering, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-2552/ac91f8).

This newer version can be found at https://github.com/oliveiramarina/ReMoto_AIDP.

The adapted version includes some features/corrections that were not included in the first Fortran version, that are:   
  • Position Task model for foot controlling a freely moving (rotation) pedal
  • Muscle twitch model of Raikova and Aladjov, 2002.
  • Corrections of the Hill-type muscle model parameters.
  • More biologically compatible axonal conduction velocity distributions.